What is Oncology Massage?
Oncology massage is light touch massage shown to improve the quality
of life for people with a history or diagnosis of cancer. This
massage reduces the side effects of conventional cancer treatments
including pain, fatigue anxiety, nausea and depression. Oncology
massage therapists performing this work are formally trained and hold
a recognised accreditation.
Why use Oncology Massage?
For Symptom Management, research has shown Oncology Massage improves the quality of life for people with a history or diagnosis of cancer. It reduces the side effects experienced from conventional treatment of cancer and the symptoms of the disease process itself (Cassileth and Vickers, 2004)
- Pain Improved 47%
- Fatigue Improved 42%
- Anxiety Improved 59%
- Nausea Improved 51%
- Depression Improved 48%
- Other (including shortness of breath, memory problems, dry mouth or disturbed sleep) improved 48%
Light touch massage, as taught by Oncology Massage Limited (OML) was the most effective form of massage therapy offered in this study.
Source: Oncology Massage Training
Reference: Cassileth BR, Vickers AJ, 2004, Massage Therapy for Symptom Control: Outcome Study at a Major Cancer Centre, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 28:3:244-250